Friday, November 7, 2014

Is Affirmative Action Good or Bad to Society?

     Affirmative action is know as positive discrimination is the policy of favoring member if a disadvantaged group who are perceived to suffer from discrimination within a culture. The nature of positive discrimination policies varies from region to region. Some countries, such as India, use a quota system, whereby a certain percentage of jobs or school vacancies must be set aside for member of a certain group. In some other regions, specific quotas do not exist: instead members of minorities are given preference in selection processes.

     The term "affirmative action" was first used in the United States in Executive Order and was signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961. It was used to promote actions that achieve non- discrimination. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order which required government employers to take "affirmative action" to "hire without regard to race, religion and national origin." In 1967, sex was added to the anti-discrimination list.
source: wikipedia.orgAffirmative_action

     For this instance Affirmative Action was created by countries juridical powers. To help individuals who were not able to be hired regard to there disadvantages. Discipline Societies have consequences and rewards for how smart someone is based off their GPA, Act or Sat Test Scores, Extra Activities in regards to sports or club leader ship. Theses if the are high are part of the good binary that must college boards are looking to accept these people into their high school. Although these are factors that come into play there is more like Affirmative Action when a college choices others that are lower in levels of these binaries to have an opportunity to go to college and prosper.

Affirmative Action "Creates More Racial Injustice"  

     Fisher an individual claims that her college admission was not accepted because of racism she is white and always had a dream of going to this college that is in college. Is this what our society needs, do we still have to have a self-regulation society. Yes we do because Black and Hispanic people have had disadvantages in the past and we are trying to provide help to them instead of whites. They said that she was unqualified to be accepted so, that Black or Hispanics who were unqualified as well could take the spot instead of her. Which in a way does create a reverse bias of discrimination in college admissions. George says that if you are white you are priorly judge more not be chosen because of the bias to create equality for Blacks and Hispanics.

     Having affirmative action as a standard is creating a consequences to White population that is Orwellian in a way an all seeing eye that picks and choices who they want based of race in Texas. Although Horatius claims that there must have an all watching disciplining eye because without Affirmative Action there would be no poor less educated black and Hispanics getting accepted into college instead only rich whites who are not educated as well. Affirmative Action was created to help Blacks and Hispanics that have disadvantages in America and their school systems. College's think people that don't start on the same scale deserve more acceptances over white who are privileged.

     In my Economics class we had to do an exercise in class where we read fake college admissions which were four of different students they were looking at who were the most qualifying. We in class had to organize and discuss who we believed to get accepted in over the others. They had a White Female Swimmer who was legacy, Black Female advocates for rights in a club, Hispanic Boy who worked many jobs to provide for his family and Asian Male who moved to America because his mother passed away. The White and Asian had the highest test scores and the Hispanic and Black didn't. She revealed to us who would get accepted. Although that doesn't matter because I don't remember I just remember everyone being confused wonder why would they get special treat over them? Does Affirmative Action functions it's job properly to disciplining society equality. Or does this punish a certain group of people.

    I don't know that Affirmative Action creates equality to all people, however, I still find Affirmative Action is necessary this day in age. As well I don't like that individuals seem to give up hope when not being accepted in their dream college. You don't have to complain you can still probably go to Cal State University compare to a UCLA. As well if you can't get into a Cal State you can always go to a Community College. Even if you still want to go you can get higher grades and be transfer in your dream college. A degree is a degree no matter where you receive the piece of paper.

    Your future employer is not going to hire you based off where you went to school only if your qualified and have piece a paper you worked so hard for... This is your ticket to your future career.


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