In our life time, we will be subjected to a stereotype. A person that has a set of characteristics believed to be shared by all members of a social category. A social category and stereotype may be based on ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, occupation, or dress.
These stereotypes exist because it is our fundamental nature to makes sense of and to simplify a complex world (Macrae, Stangor, & Hewstone, 1966). The problems associated with stereotypes arise when we simplify too much.
Attribution theories when people look for an explanation of behavior by associating wither internal or external causes to behavior. Fundamental attribution error is overestimating internal causes for someone else's behavior while underestimating external causes.Not all good people are good 100% of the time. People that good are put into situations that cause them to be bad to other people possibly for good intentions like stealing food to give to their children. There moral reason to do certain things and then there is the "social law" we all live under.
Belief in a just world that, good things happen to good people and bad things, to bad people.
Social norms are taught to us as we grow up (Cialdni & Goldstein, 2004). They are standards of conduct that are culture-specific. Some of these social norms involve expectations about social manners. They tell us what is acceptable behavior in certain situations and what is not acceptable.
I thought I could pass my advance writing composition class easily if I worked hard enough however, I'm not a well enough writer. I'm breaking my own standards of expectations on how I'm suppose to be I've never thought I would do poorly. I guess I choose the wrong class and that someone made a fundamental attribution error on that I'm a poor writer just because I don't think like everyone else. I have not been taught the ways of how to be a good writer yet, so don't discriminate me for being "dumb" I just process things differently things then you. This is my final blog post for my English class, I might continue later when I have some free time to be creative for you all without the confines of the classroom.
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