Thursday, October 30, 2014

Discrimination to Human Beings and How Panopticism Influences Societies

     Michel Foucault writes about Panopticism as being a machine that reinforces discipline that a power presides over a social body. He describes there being social policing in all societies, the rules of how someone should be are not universal although. But social policing is a mechanism that everyone has come accustomed to in modern day society. Dominant managers of society are the people in charge with power and tell what the people at bottom of the pyramid should do. Thus, people at the bottom of the social pyramid police each other on how to act by disciplining their own social class because they aspire to be like the people at the top of the social body. We have all encountered discipline in our modern day society but have you ever stop to think why do we do the things we do to each other?
    Now moreover, on discrimination to me. Not being good enough for others and disciplining myself on how I should act because of what is right and wrong in society's eyes.

              Veins by Victoria Marvin
    When I was in elementary school, I got made fun of a great deal of times over a duration of a few years because I did not fit in the groups of kids that were bullying me. I got called multiple name throughout 3rd to 6th grade when I lived in Bakersfield. Though I did have good friends back then that liked me for being myself. Kids would show off and say remarks to me like "Your so pale you can see your veins!" Then they started to call me "Veins". I hated being defined as just a object of the body, "Veins."

    Spontaneously, during my Junior year in Honor's Art class I got to thinking about people and how they try to control other people's actions of self expression. Moreover, why do people usually try to control me and tell me what is "good" in their opinion in such a harsh manner? Why do I always feel subjected to  comply to their ways of being? Why do I have to change for people, to fit in, aren't I an individual with my own thought process?

      Starting to understand how we talk to each other and our reinforcement to be a certain way deeply influences someones perspective on their own life. This piece of art I did is about myself not trying to break free of all these disciplinary controls. Yet,  I have been putting up with a disciplinary society I live in. For this instance, the discourse of childhood that choose to discriminate me for being too pale. Finding out about my feelings I learned I was just a puppet in my own skin because people felt the need to punish me to reinforce my thoughts of myself being ugly.

     You might have notice and wondering, why the bald head in this picture? That is to show that I am human just like you going through the same discipline society. Applying myself to find my own of balance of what rules I must follow to obey necessary social order. Additionally, if you notice the puppet creature is wearing a dress this is because I symbolised myself as being able to find beauty with in myself. Doesn't matter anymore of the bad binary they claimed I was part of because I don't care what people label me as ugly. That's just unmeasurable judgement of what beauty is that happened many years ago.

                  "Real Women" vs the Thin? Is Skinny Hate in?
     Discovering later in my adolescent years that I actual am quite beautiful in my own way. I have gained my confidence about myself through multiple ways society describes how women should be and having fitting myself into that category. Many women and I have been deeply influenced by what we should look like and how we should talk and act. What is beauty, what is not?

    Most females in the beginning listen to what their parents, family or friends tell them about the way their body image. They discipline themselves to look a certain way primarily what the closest people around them say about themselves. They might try to render their body through exercises, eating healthy, do diets were they might just not eat for long periods of time (anorexic) and binge eating on usually "bad" food then throwing up (Bulimia).

    I wanted to discover more about how women's shapes are being displaced in social media. Historical for a few decades women that are thin or skinny have been use to be displaced as the icon of what a beautiful girl should look like. I found out that currently women with more curves that are "toned" are being praised. Society says now that curvy women have more beauty then thin skinny women with no curves. Women that are "healthier" looking not a super model or stick figures that are  now more appealing to men. Women judge others women by saying what society's social media dictates likes better through social media outlets like magazines about beauty. Why do women have to judge other women though why do we have to disciplines are youth about beauty vs. non beauty. Shouldn't everyone have a say on what's normal to them? Which actual people do my the way they talk to others about what they think is right. Usually trying to influence people on how to eat like them because that's what they do. People have no limits we all have the right to self expression and are bodies are part of that. We can choose to discipline are self's because of what society tells us that is good. If not choosing to be healthy we choose the bad part of body image by being to skinny or to fat. Disciplinary societies usually give us the answers because they want us to make the better decisions about ourselves. The more preferred body type is curvy, thus, I want to change myself to be like them. We self-disciple ourselves because we want to fit in and be part of the norm of society.

           Eve and the Apple by Victoria Marvin
     Religions also tell us what is right and wrong about ourselves. Women are thought in the Bible as just objects of reproduction and to be modest is the best a female can do. To keep her mouth shut and not say ways of life are not right because men were in absolute power back then in their disciplines society.

     The Bible clearly states Eve's idea to steal the apple was because she was tricked by the snake-devil himself. She was ending up influenced to eat the forbidden apple with Adam which created disorder between the Garden of Eden where she was living with Adam.

     They were locked out of immortality because of Satan's influences of Eve. They would die because of their doings against God's Will. The Bible gives more examples of binaries to follow what is good and bad. Society is born with this vision that were are evil creates and must change ourselves to be worthy of God.

        YOU DESERVE RAPE, Says Worst Campus Preacher Ever                                                                     

     A campus preacher wears shirts that discriminate against women and other people's religions. They consist of logos against women's rights no Nazi feminism, "Muslims" shirt saying infidel meaning atheist, (finger pointing) you whore. Which I found completely absurd that he thinks he can control women and people's opinion's by simpling saying remarks to women as he does in his campaign. He tells women that if you dress provocatively you deserve rape because you wear what? Asking for no consistent sex? He has no boundaries of what is his to control. He thinks telling a social body that you deserve rape is an incentive to listen to his tactics is cold cruel discipline that no one is going to obey his logic in modern society. 

     Luckily, we have a government to take care of us which is made from Judicial powers. The people vote on what the majority wants, in this case our social body thinks rapist should have the death penalty. He is advocating that we should forgive rapist and blames victims from dressing to skimpy and being wasted is their own fault. People all over the world do not have to same views on life and they will try to use a panoptic mechanism to get what they want out of society just like this man. He is trying to change others ways of life's because he believes that his perceptive of Bible says. We should all be weary to believe other people's interpretation of the bible and find out for ourselves before making our judgement. Judgement is what controls people to do what they do we are disciplined and shaped into what we are by panopticism. As well we can learn how to use panopticism for are self's to create change of others. Although I do not agree what this priest is saying because I believe he is crazy to think that about  how women dresses a certain way deserves to be raped.  


Thursday, October 23, 2014

How Society Helps Against Discrimination in America

     Not everyone in America will care about every ones equality. However, we do have Government and their agencies. Moreover, new laws being created to help people that do not have equal chances as an individual; race, religion, gender and how much money you have. High school now advocate for equality in clubs ran by teacher volunteers and student club leaders for their purpose to spread equality on their school's campus. They want to influence young people now especially because this is  when they gather their ideas. Which later will transform society to their own creation provided they learn to support their own voice's. Public schools are shaping the structure of the future society right now with their standardized testing. Even your choice in voting for the next president will shape what types of prevention of discrimination will occur.

     Today, society implies to students no matter how much money you have anymore rich or poor your going to college. All you have to do is apply yourself and get good grades in this society. I feel like this might be true now that I'm in college. Eighty percent of the students at my college have been given grants or scholarships. These help out to the Coachella Valley residents who have one the lowest income rates. Title X helps millions low-come families since with sometimes grants without discrimination of individuals. They also provide family planning services.and providing health care services. Health care services are counseling, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing and cervical cancer screening. Helping people since 1970's who are usually in poverty and most of the ages tend to be around their 20's to 30's.

    For more information on Title X click this link:

    Title X gives families advice on Planned Parenthood and advice on how not to have unwanted pregnancy. Though they do not support pro-choice this has lead to conflicts of interest. As well they do not provide contraception's to women this is why more people in America tend to have abortions instead of having safe sex. Safe sex does help preventing more teenage pregnancies.

 The Budget Battle in Washington
 More info here:

    Pro-choice is believing that a pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion. Personally, my stand is women should have a choice because that's their right to body not the governments. I do not support abortion just unwanted pregnancies. Women should have freedom just like a normal human being not just a object to reproduce in society. What if a man had an unwanted pregnancy how would they feel? They would change the laws for pro-choice. Yet for now men being the only elected as presidents. Government will not fully understand the extent women feels to be oppressed by theses rules. Though not all women support pro-choice in America the votes about 50-50 on pro-choice and pro-life.

    I participated in the Gay-Straight-Alliances sort for (G.S.A.) at my high school, because I felt the need to be understand others. I wanted to learn how to be more accepting to diversity of other people. There where gay, lesbians which where nice people to me and others I was happy to make good friends there. I felt proud to be apart of their community and to help advocate rights for others. I understand how important is to be treated equally and how much children yearn for this from their parents and family. This gay student in my high school was describing his coming out story. How his grandma dis-owned him and didn't accept him being gay. His family were very strict catholics. This made me very emotional because I understood his pain. Though I'm not gay I know my mom would support me no matter what I am. However, this event happening was unimaginable to me until he shared his story to the club and breaking down in tears.

     We advocated for same sex marriage in the G.S.A. Club and learned many different ways people how are gay or lesbians express themselves. Through there clothing choices and how they like to be called. Never call them a it because they are a object. When I went to Pride Prom in Palm Springs I got to experience how gays and lesbians express themselves how they want to be and act. Many drag queens I was fascinated by their attitudes and willingness to be their true self's. Gays and lesbians are very inspiring people because of how they are so free to express themselves. They do conform to their oppressors instead they try to change the way there treated.

    Currently, 32 states in the United States now allow legal same sex marriage. Alaska and Arizona are the most recent states to be legalized in October 17, 2014 .

           Equal Marriage Rights for them: Mr. & Mr. or Mrs. & Mrs.
 For more information about same-sex marriages:

     Society needs to change with obeying society's influences and create new rules. Without these revision there will always be conflicts because of hate to prevent doing what they want. We never have to look to far into a history text book to understand how people are oppressed in other societies and even are own. We must learn from the past and present not to discriminate each other. Instead to understand what makes human individuals.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Don't Discriminate Young Adults For Not Attending College Yet... (Advice for high school graduates who want to revise their life to become a "success" in society)

     Revise or Revision:

      Reconsider and alter (something) in the light of further evidence: 
      he had cause to revise his opion a moment after expressing it.

     Some people in society don't try to change their life's because their comfortable with what their given with and accept fate of what people decide for them. People tend not to think for themselves instead they follow strict rules someone says is good for them. They don't want to change and think for themselves. People that want revision in their way of life in society take a second look at the way they spend there time and judge whether or not they are doing what is in their best interest.

     After completion of high school graduates tend not want to learn more because they don't want to change their life style that they have at home being taken care of my parents and being with friends. People fear change are usually run away from what gives them to much stress.

     People have to change to their whole attitudes and way of life when attending college. Studying becomes your life because the classes must be taken seriously if you are planning on succeeding. We shouldn't discriminate others for not taking the same path as us. Not everyone has the will to attend college we could provide support by offering advice on how to be independent but inevitably this is the young adults decision on whether or they want to go to college.

     I will offer you my insight on how to become a successful young adult and gain the confidence to become more  from others. I understand we do not have the same backgrounds but I can relate because I understand life is stressful and just seems tedious. Not everyone is given equal opportunities in life especially to to go to college right after completing high school. Though we must show progression for our Independence as young adults from our parents. Friends who are already attending college, should always support and encourage others to take a revision of their life. Instead of being harsh or cold to a former friend and judging them based off their performance. Revisions can taking steps to get this Independence's in getting a divers licenses, a job to pay for your own resources and these include car payments, phone bills and living expenses life food and gas. Then being able to get back to school by applying yourself to go to college. Without getting a college degree you are more likely to make less money then someone with the degree. Take a look at they shows lifetime earnings are higher with college degrees then people with only high school diplomas. More statics about unemployment rates corresponding if you go college versus if you don't.

     Having enough money is important in the long run to be financially secure. Having a high paying job that you enjoy working for will make you happier then a job you could have without a college degree.When attending college you have more opportunities to discover yourself and your voice for the rest of your life. College degree will give you more opportunities and you must be confident enough to grasp them.

    Finding your independence from discrimination, you must find your special meaning in life doing what your special talent is and taking advantage of your skills. You must be open to the possibilities of getting different types jobs and being responsibly with that money you earn. Do not waste your or someone Else's money on distractions just yet use your money to make more money in the future by making your self going back to college. If you want to be successful you must understand that work is never finished you will always have to revise the way you live. Adapting to your surroundings is key in a better life. I absolutely understand this way of living is different to you then what your use to but getting an education is possible yet difficult for you but is certainly more rewarding then staying at home. You must learn more about who is surrounding you this can affect your attitudes you must figure out a way to respond better.

     Graduates and Young Adults must be their own worst enemy. Taking responsibility for their actions day to day. Instead of being lazy or sticking with your parents schedule of the day for you. You should take responsibility to fill out your application for a job. Studying to learn how to drive own your own you need to be persistent with your desires to become successful. Saving money aside and going to a community college is always a option if you are accepted not to a Cal State University or University of California. A college degree doesn't matter where you receive the diploma your future employer doesn't care if you straight A's in college all you have to do is pass the class with a A's or B's to get the degrees. Don't scare yourself don't let limit saying I'm not worth the time because you actually are meant for greatness.

     They must accept the criticisms of others discreetly either be their parents, family or friends they must be skeptical. Like what paths to success may not be the ones you were intending. As well why are they telling me what do I am my own person with bright ideas. They must accept the praise of others but wonder why more? Like am I really doing the right actions for myself or am I doing this for others to accept me?

     No one should depend on others to always help them to become independent and successful. Doing tasks own your own with limited advice from others. You know what you want from life no one is going to make up your mind for you. Your a young adult influence by your surroundings but you don't have to become what you don't want to be. You must detach from your normal way of life and apply caring into the way you spend your time. Understanding time is money is an important concept when being successful.

         Time is Money            

     Detachment is not easy for anyone but is necessary for the change you are looking for in your time management. Time management is prioritizing doing what is most important instead of your wants. Time management also reduces stress and ultimately helps your health. Changing your actions and being responsible takes discipline and time to do this.

     My own anecdote is how I took advantage of my opportunity to get a job this summer to help pay for my college tuition. I moved in with my grandmother in Bakers Flied for five weeks out of my summer after graduation and then worked for Rehab Center of  Bakers Flied. I felt the normal struggles of adult life without a college education of a part-time job and didn't enjoy working there. Though getting the money I need for to pay college I was a happy person plus I need work experience for when I apply for another job when I'm back in the desert.

     Admittedly, I couldn't wait to start college instead of working for low-wages doing what I thought were sort of mindless task in my job. They are important however, I valued myself more then to waste my time working there. Though I did discipline myself by getting a job in the first place instead of relying on someone to give me money I desperately needed to pay for my tuition. I pledged myself not to get a loan from college's because most young adults who do take out loans are still in dept for the rest of their lives. My mother has friends who are still in debt from college loans and I would hate to have to live my life like them.

     Not a lot of young adults have patience or discipline to even apply to a job. Let alone work during their summer vacations because they have concepts those still exists? We are young adults we must be responsible for ourselves now.

     Another, opportunity I took this summer was taking time off from working to go to my college doing English and Math courses. The classes were called Early Start Program which was provided "free/prepaid" to students are registered to go to college but scored below passing on the Entry Placement Test that required all students to take. I had to pass theses summer classes just so I could take "normal" classes for my fall enrollment. I passed them by focusing taking notes during morning class and attending the mandatory tutoring sessions. Not everyone took advantage of being properly prepped which isn't wrong but your are hurting only yourself.

     You must have discipline to sacrifice your time to become a success this doesn't come natural to people who are handed scholarships or people that are handed the money for college from their parents. No one should take their college education lightly.

     You must judge yourselves more and be accountable for your actions. Because who else will hold you accountable for them? Your parents, family and friends will not always be there to take care of you. You must take care of yourself my being dependable in what you do. You should be critical about everything that seems to give you comfort in your style of living. You impose that maybe saying at home  doesn't really give me power over myself. Instead this does the opposite, people will discriminate you for not  being an opportunist person. You have a higher percent chance get a low paying job if you do not decided to college. You will not be able to protect yourself and other financially.

     You need a passion and desire to change a hot furry to work hard and take opportunities that come your way. Don't be stubborn to not want to revision your life. Always be your own critic if the choices you made are leading you astray from your goals. Though most people tend to over be over critical of themselves and their abilities. They become depressed because they are to self-conscious and have high anxiety so they prefer not to even try. Don't be nervous to get out of the house you want to be a hopeless child that has be told what to do on a normal basis. please be an Adult. If you do have anixety problems seek help how to cope with them from a therpahiest or read at online artlices that could help you relax and take control of your health. Here is a reference page if you are seeking advice: www.takingcharge.csh


    If society want to discriminate agaisnt young adults who our nervous about taking control of their lives they will. However you have the choice what you ae going to do with that life. Everyone was given a brain now how are you going to use it to create good or evil?

     If you find yourself over stressed by work you should take the time to do stuff that makes you feel happy. You only have one life so why not be spontaneitis and go on an outing with friends. Have a moment in everyday day where you rested. On the weekends make the most out of life.

    Revisons to the way you spend your time daily will be changing depending on your schedulce. Demands from the new boss, new professors or how you have to be your own driver everyday will make you change the way you spend your time. But don't be afarid to face the tasks that are in front of you. All you have to do is do your best and not compare yourselfs to others.

     Revision is not virtous. Don't change yourself because I told you or someone else did. Change only because you feel the need too. Don't change your personity for others just be yourself and don't care about what society is going to say about you. Be confident in who you are a strive to finsih thoose long term or short term goals. I know you can do whatever you set your mind too. With that I wish you luck on your life's journey, I hope I was to some services to you.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Am I A Bitch Because I'm A Woman Who Stops At Nothing To Reach Her Goal?

     Being a woman I can understand how discrimination feels first-hand when someone calls you a bitch for trying hard to reach your goal. Although your techniques may seem harsh, your main goal is to get the job done right. Bitch has several different definitions in discourses. In 1785 the definition of "bitch" meant a disgrace of a woman who makes men lust over her by appeasing their senses. Now a days definition is a female who is mean, selfish, cruel, malicious, deceiving or a cunt. According to  Beverly Gross the term Bitch, as mentions in her article, is often a title which is given to women by men who find fault within them. Thus men are usually the source of the negetave connotation that the term "bitch" is referred to as. Feminists are often opposing of this term which has continued to remain and exist in the norms of the society today.

     Men are often the users of the word bitch to reproach women for being mean to them. Incontrast, women often do not refer to men in such discrimminating way, but rather, as greater beings who deserve praise. Why can't women convey their feelings towards the way others refer to them as bitch ever be mean compared to men. Men get to be jerks and that's socially appropriate because he's a man or the boss we must respect. Women who threatens or destroys masculinity is ultimately in their standards deserve to be called bitch. Men who feel threaten by women use this word "bitch" to reproach them for hurting their ego and masculinity. Men use the word bitch to make women submissive and gain more access to control women this way. When men feel fulfilled when women build up there egos this leads to women to question. Who is going to build up women's egos if their is no one to care about her own accept herself.

     Society over the ages let women be defined by such discriminating terms that used to remake us in a women they want. No one wants to be called a "Bitch" for being the one who stands up during class to the jerk football player in our English class for saying who is always rude and motives are questionable. Maybe being called a bitch has kept women in line throughout the ages while co-existing with men. However, why do we even have to "co-exist" with them with such harsh boundaries why can't we all respect each other for our on goals.

     I'm not instigating that males are never discriminated against however, historically women had to plead for the nineteenth amendment to the United Stated Constitution in the 1920s. Women are always changing throughout time so are men. As women try to gain equality more anti-feminism is bound to happen. Men need a mechanism to use on all women by putting a label on them, so they call them a bitch. Men sometimes need someone to blame when life isn't going there way.

     There are weak men that see women only as breeders they use the word bitch to shackle women solely into a harlot stereotype. Women that think bitch is a normal word that they can be called that because their man is giving them attention, who cares about negativity of word to all women or how they feel. In most Hip-hop and Rap music today women are classified as "Bitches" a faceless women but a hot sexy body for men to desire. Men control women making comply to fulfill their ego to show have power by saying this women's my "bitch" she does whatever I want. Using the word "bitch" as a pet name to the women they to sleep with because of solely for their body. Discrimination of your gender will keep happening if no one is going to stand up and take responsibility for women rights.
     Women are usually are disqualified for Presidential Titles because they know for being bitchy which is a mood where one complains incessantly about anything especially when they're menstruating. Could you imagine you are qualified to have the honor of being the first woman President but you have to face society problems just to try to run as candidate. I think that's why many women choose not to try hard in society work places because being called a "bitch" is undesirable. Women that want to be loose and free have qualities that were passed through society to make them feel like their life is worthless  with out a man's love.

     Growing up I would watch all the Disney movies about romance of how to fall in love with the prince. However there aren't a lot princes around just a bunch of frogs that don't understand me because I don't fall to kiss them. Children movies show how submissive women are to have men. They don't describe how life is after when there married. Marriage isn't going to be so great if realize that the man you are with hates woman that don't make them feel the best about themselves and their ego is to large to handle. What then it's to late learn from your mistakes because you learned at such a young age that love is necessary to be happy. Look everyone in the movies has that special someone? I don't so I must be a horrible woman. If you took a look at who made Disney you would realized it was just socially appropriate to degraded women as objects not as equals. Threat woman are just suppose  meant to think a certain way so that they need a man more.

     When you don't share these opinions about men you are most often called a bitch because you don't let a man become you love interest. Women are subjected to men and are discriminated against if they don't comply with man made society rules. When women chooses to love a women instead of man they crush men's egos about themselves why do they get to be together and have a partner being happy. Lesbians have feelings to they desires to have equal rights and to reach their own goals. However men and one who has strict view on how men and women must coexist together are limiting the benefits of society. No one should be called a bitch for being who they naturally are so I say that society should try to change and know more about the affects of discriminating others. Compared to the benefits of treating every man and women equally.

     What I don't understand is that men can be mean, selfish, malicious, deceiving, cruel, though are not called a bitch only women can be called that. Men can be called assholes but men have a way of conveying this hate message more often better the women. Men do feel at threat at women because women more often try harder then men now a days. Girls in school try harder school because they listen to authority more then boys that would rather mess around and have fun. Boys do have motivates but there not always in the best interest for a prospering society filled with equals.

     Women who don't let men opinion's control them are called bitch the most because they don't let men have there way in a relationships or in the work place. Should women let this word tear down their self esteem about themselves. Women should teach other women that you don't have to let a man call you bitch. You are perfect they way you are don't have to let this hate control the way you live your life. Women must not allow themselves to be call one either bitch is highly insulting and demeaning word. Don't let your man become absolute power because he might abuse you through verbal abuse and sexual abuse.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Discrimination to Me

     Many people all over the world have been discriminated because of who they are either by race, gender, religion or just simply by being different. People discriminate and attack other humans because they are afraid of what they don't know or understand. People who discriminate get stuck in a bubble of their own thinking. People in that bubble believe they are far more superior then what they are biased against. Prejudgment is permanently their only way of survival because people fear what they don't understand. Thus, with this fear, people will discriminate against others only see this hate, anger or fury towards people they are prejudices against. Then, being permanently blind of the world outside your comfort zone because you will always have a bias viewpoint about others you can't trust. Going through life you will not have the tools to get along with certain people because you let your emotions control your way of living. Subjective of individual or group that results in unfair treatment is forbidden if the purpose of life is to be equal to everyone who is human. Do we choose to treat people equally as were suppose to or are there morals humans are supposed to follow to help treat humans fair and not discriminate?

     People want to feel safe with what they are used to on daily basis. They want to be able to express themselves without feeling attacked by others. I feel like people have the right to be who they want to be not have boundaries holding them back or abusing them in the work place, schools, sports or any group of people. People should be treated equally regardless of what their background is compared to others. People that discriminate don't have the right to yell at you more compared to others in the group to tell you that your worth nothing to a group. Screaming at frustration of what they lack knowledge, one of coaches when I played a sport would choose favorites of his own kind and dislike any other. I'm not kidding or making this up just to assume you, me and everyone will face discrimination regardless of their background.

     He would comment about his race a lot during the years I played for him, he would say remarks like "There are my black girls" and "Go my black girls!" to the my team members and once during our team picture we had to take for our school he said "Let's take a black only picture because Obama got inaugurated back into office." Could you imagine that racism does still go on today without notice without a care in our public school systems? Most likely discrimination has already happened to all of us by this point in our lives. I would of found it more appropriate if instead of caring about that if your black why not stand side by side with whites and Mexicans. We should show that people don't let boundaries of race control your life or emotions. Showing he is above discriminatory remarks that degrade others people's values. My coach would make most of us want to quit playing because of his actions. I don't value playing a sport anymore because I feel that you can't give back to the community as much compared to having an education. As well I choose not to continue the cycle of discrimination because you can't win with hate and ignorance. Discrimination comes with boundaries that people are separated into categories that are labeling and hurtful to most people.

  "BOUNDARIES" -Victoria Marvin
This art piece was created by myself I made for my Advance Placement Art course. 

     Discrimination of 'different types' of people can be learned through educational public school systems in the history classes, here are some examples:

     Hitler's view for new master race of white and blue eyed humans. Hitler was totalitarianism ruler he expressed his viewpoints of what they should do to Jews because he felt they were to blamed for economic ruin after the German war.  He later forced Jewish people to ghettos,wearing stars of David and because no one wanted to stand up for human rights they were comfortable with the blissful, oblivious, Nazi living style that the genocide of 6,000,000 Jews and discriminated humans died.

     Stalin was worse though he killed about 20 million he killed in the purges and poor conditions in his horrendous network of labor camps. The dictator let them die from neglect which is large difference between ending a life fast which is the suffering before the death.

     Slavery in America lasted for 400 years and after that their is is still discrimination between races.

      Japanese imprisonment camps happen because Pearl Harbor and fear of American Japanese people were a threat to Americans they lost there way of living because of that discrimination.

     We as humans should learn from our past that people should be treated equally without harm.

     Anyone could learn how not to discriminate others from a young age by reading a elementary books Dr. Seuss especially Sneetches, how not to discriminate others for being different. This book was created to teach to children about the different groups of people being bias towards one another for not having a star on their belly. He wrote Sneetches to illustrate how different social groups of people didn't like one another in World War 2 because of prejudices.

     Sneetches -Dr. Seuss

     Humans are so more complex, that if maybe you looked back at my coach's life before he became the way he is today. Did someone break his innocence when he was younger then he brought up learning to hate the white man. I will never know because he choose to be in his bubble.

     I don't like being who I am because of others? No one should be brought up in close minded world like that. I learned not to be closed minded to observe and understand human nature in society. I am learning how to help others not to be afraid of knowledge and to care about cultures they don't understand.

     Thus, the question is what do we do about discrimination, how do we handle it, we could suffer through discrimination because we assume that its just part of human life that we have to get accustomed to or we could prevent discrimination in those systems we are part of in our daily lives.

A quote from Einstein.