Today, society implies to students no matter how much money you have anymore rich or poor your going to college. All you have to do is apply yourself and get good grades in this society. I feel like this might be true now that I'm in college. Eighty percent of the students at my college have been given grants or scholarships. These help out to the Coachella Valley residents who have one the lowest income rates. Title X helps millions low-come families since with sometimes grants without discrimination of individuals. They also provide family planning services.and providing health care services. Health care services are counseling, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing and cervical cancer screening. Helping people since 1970's who are usually in poverty and most of the ages tend to be around their 20's to 30's.
For more information on Title X click this link:
Title X gives families advice on Planned Parenthood and advice on how not to have unwanted pregnancy. Though they do not support pro-choice this has lead to conflicts of interest. As well they do not provide contraception's to women this is why more people in America tend to have abortions instead of having safe sex. Safe sex does help preventing more teenage pregnancies.
The Budget Battle in Washington
More info here:
Pro-choice is believing that a pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion. Personally, my stand is women should have a choice because that's their right to body not the governments. I do not support abortion just unwanted pregnancies. Women should have freedom just like a normal human being not just a object to reproduce in society. What if a man had an unwanted pregnancy how would they feel? They would change the laws for pro-choice. Yet for now men being the only elected as presidents. Government will not fully understand the extent women feels to be oppressed by theses rules. Though not all women support pro-choice in America the votes about 50-50 on pro-choice and pro-life.
I participated in the Gay-Straight-Alliances sort for (G.S.A.) at my high school, because I felt the need to be understand others. I wanted to learn how to be more accepting to diversity of other people. There where gay, lesbians which where nice people to me and others I was happy to make good friends there. I felt proud to be apart of their community and to help advocate rights for others. I understand how important is to be treated equally and how much children yearn for this from their parents and family. This gay student in my high school was describing his coming out story. How his grandma dis-owned him and didn't accept him being gay. His family were very strict catholics. This made me very emotional because I understood his pain. Though I'm not gay I know my mom would support me no matter what I am. However, this event happening was unimaginable to me until he shared his story to the club and breaking down in tears.
We advocated for same sex marriage in the G.S.A. Club and learned many different ways people how are gay or lesbians express themselves. Through there clothing choices and how they like to be called. Never call them a it because they are a object. When I went to Pride Prom in Palm Springs I got to experience how gays and lesbians express themselves how they want to be and act. Many drag queens I was fascinated by their attitudes and willingness to be their true self's. Gays and lesbians are very inspiring people because of how they are so free to express themselves. They do conform to their oppressors instead they try to change the way there treated.
Currently, 32 states in the United States now allow legal same sex marriage. Alaska and Arizona are the most recent states to be legalized in October 17, 2014 .
Equal Marriage Rights for them: Mr. & Mr. or Mrs. & Mrs.
For more information about same-sex marriages:
Society needs to change with obeying society's influences and create new rules. Without these revision there will always be conflicts because of hate to prevent doing what they want. We never have to look to far into a history text book to understand how people are oppressed in other societies and even are own. We must learn from the past and present not to discriminate each other. Instead to understand what makes human individuals.
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