Thursday, October 16, 2014

Don't Discriminate Young Adults For Not Attending College Yet... (Advice for high school graduates who want to revise their life to become a "success" in society)

     Revise or Revision:

      Reconsider and alter (something) in the light of further evidence: 
      he had cause to revise his opion a moment after expressing it.

     Some people in society don't try to change their life's because their comfortable with what their given with and accept fate of what people decide for them. People tend not to think for themselves instead they follow strict rules someone says is good for them. They don't want to change and think for themselves. People that want revision in their way of life in society take a second look at the way they spend there time and judge whether or not they are doing what is in their best interest.

     After completion of high school graduates tend not want to learn more because they don't want to change their life style that they have at home being taken care of my parents and being with friends. People fear change are usually run away from what gives them to much stress.

     People have to change to their whole attitudes and way of life when attending college. Studying becomes your life because the classes must be taken seriously if you are planning on succeeding. We shouldn't discriminate others for not taking the same path as us. Not everyone has the will to attend college we could provide support by offering advice on how to be independent but inevitably this is the young adults decision on whether or they want to go to college.

     I will offer you my insight on how to become a successful young adult and gain the confidence to become more  from others. I understand we do not have the same backgrounds but I can relate because I understand life is stressful and just seems tedious. Not everyone is given equal opportunities in life especially to to go to college right after completing high school. Though we must show progression for our Independence as young adults from our parents. Friends who are already attending college, should always support and encourage others to take a revision of their life. Instead of being harsh or cold to a former friend and judging them based off their performance. Revisions can taking steps to get this Independence's in getting a divers licenses, a job to pay for your own resources and these include car payments, phone bills and living expenses life food and gas. Then being able to get back to school by applying yourself to go to college. Without getting a college degree you are more likely to make less money then someone with the degree. Take a look at they shows lifetime earnings are higher with college degrees then people with only high school diplomas. More statics about unemployment rates corresponding if you go college versus if you don't.

     Having enough money is important in the long run to be financially secure. Having a high paying job that you enjoy working for will make you happier then a job you could have without a college degree.When attending college you have more opportunities to discover yourself and your voice for the rest of your life. College degree will give you more opportunities and you must be confident enough to grasp them.

    Finding your independence from discrimination, you must find your special meaning in life doing what your special talent is and taking advantage of your skills. You must be open to the possibilities of getting different types jobs and being responsibly with that money you earn. Do not waste your or someone Else's money on distractions just yet use your money to make more money in the future by making your self going back to college. If you want to be successful you must understand that work is never finished you will always have to revise the way you live. Adapting to your surroundings is key in a better life. I absolutely understand this way of living is different to you then what your use to but getting an education is possible yet difficult for you but is certainly more rewarding then staying at home. You must learn more about who is surrounding you this can affect your attitudes you must figure out a way to respond better.

     Graduates and Young Adults must be their own worst enemy. Taking responsibility for their actions day to day. Instead of being lazy or sticking with your parents schedule of the day for you. You should take responsibility to fill out your application for a job. Studying to learn how to drive own your own you need to be persistent with your desires to become successful. Saving money aside and going to a community college is always a option if you are accepted not to a Cal State University or University of California. A college degree doesn't matter where you receive the diploma your future employer doesn't care if you straight A's in college all you have to do is pass the class with a A's or B's to get the degrees. Don't scare yourself don't let limit saying I'm not worth the time because you actually are meant for greatness.

     They must accept the criticisms of others discreetly either be their parents, family or friends they must be skeptical. Like what paths to success may not be the ones you were intending. As well why are they telling me what do I am my own person with bright ideas. They must accept the praise of others but wonder why more? Like am I really doing the right actions for myself or am I doing this for others to accept me?

     No one should depend on others to always help them to become independent and successful. Doing tasks own your own with limited advice from others. You know what you want from life no one is going to make up your mind for you. Your a young adult influence by your surroundings but you don't have to become what you don't want to be. You must detach from your normal way of life and apply caring into the way you spend your time. Understanding time is money is an important concept when being successful.

         Time is Money            

     Detachment is not easy for anyone but is necessary for the change you are looking for in your time management. Time management is prioritizing doing what is most important instead of your wants. Time management also reduces stress and ultimately helps your health. Changing your actions and being responsible takes discipline and time to do this.

     My own anecdote is how I took advantage of my opportunity to get a job this summer to help pay for my college tuition. I moved in with my grandmother in Bakers Flied for five weeks out of my summer after graduation and then worked for Rehab Center of  Bakers Flied. I felt the normal struggles of adult life without a college education of a part-time job and didn't enjoy working there. Though getting the money I need for to pay college I was a happy person plus I need work experience for when I apply for another job when I'm back in the desert.

     Admittedly, I couldn't wait to start college instead of working for low-wages doing what I thought were sort of mindless task in my job. They are important however, I valued myself more then to waste my time working there. Though I did discipline myself by getting a job in the first place instead of relying on someone to give me money I desperately needed to pay for my tuition. I pledged myself not to get a loan from college's because most young adults who do take out loans are still in dept for the rest of their lives. My mother has friends who are still in debt from college loans and I would hate to have to live my life like them.

     Not a lot of young adults have patience or discipline to even apply to a job. Let alone work during their summer vacations because they have concepts those still exists? We are young adults we must be responsible for ourselves now.

     Another, opportunity I took this summer was taking time off from working to go to my college doing English and Math courses. The classes were called Early Start Program which was provided "free/prepaid" to students are registered to go to college but scored below passing on the Entry Placement Test that required all students to take. I had to pass theses summer classes just so I could take "normal" classes for my fall enrollment. I passed them by focusing taking notes during morning class and attending the mandatory tutoring sessions. Not everyone took advantage of being properly prepped which isn't wrong but your are hurting only yourself.

     You must have discipline to sacrifice your time to become a success this doesn't come natural to people who are handed scholarships or people that are handed the money for college from their parents. No one should take their college education lightly.

     You must judge yourselves more and be accountable for your actions. Because who else will hold you accountable for them? Your parents, family and friends will not always be there to take care of you. You must take care of yourself my being dependable in what you do. You should be critical about everything that seems to give you comfort in your style of living. You impose that maybe saying at home  doesn't really give me power over myself. Instead this does the opposite, people will discriminate you for not  being an opportunist person. You have a higher percent chance get a low paying job if you do not decided to college. You will not be able to protect yourself and other financially.

     You need a passion and desire to change a hot furry to work hard and take opportunities that come your way. Don't be stubborn to not want to revision your life. Always be your own critic if the choices you made are leading you astray from your goals. Though most people tend to over be over critical of themselves and their abilities. They become depressed because they are to self-conscious and have high anxiety so they prefer not to even try. Don't be nervous to get out of the house you want to be a hopeless child that has be told what to do on a normal basis. please be an Adult. If you do have anixety problems seek help how to cope with them from a therpahiest or read at online artlices that could help you relax and take control of your health. Here is a reference page if you are seeking advice: www.takingcharge.csh


    If society want to discriminate agaisnt young adults who our nervous about taking control of their lives they will. However you have the choice what you ae going to do with that life. Everyone was given a brain now how are you going to use it to create good or evil?

     If you find yourself over stressed by work you should take the time to do stuff that makes you feel happy. You only have one life so why not be spontaneitis and go on an outing with friends. Have a moment in everyday day where you rested. On the weekends make the most out of life.

    Revisons to the way you spend your time daily will be changing depending on your schedulce. Demands from the new boss, new professors or how you have to be your own driver everyday will make you change the way you spend your time. But don't be afarid to face the tasks that are in front of you. All you have to do is do your best and not compare yourselfs to others.

     Revision is not virtous. Don't change yourself because I told you or someone else did. Change only because you feel the need too. Don't change your personity for others just be yourself and don't care about what society is going to say about you. Be confident in who you are a strive to finsih thoose long term or short term goals. I know you can do whatever you set your mind too. With that I wish you luck on your life's journey, I hope I was to some services to you.


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