Friday, December 5, 2014

Psychology of Humans Socail Norms and Why We React Harshly Towards Others and Even Ourselves.

     In our life time, we will be subjected to a stereotype. A person that has a set of characteristics believed to be shared by all members of a social category. A social category and stereotype may be based on ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, occupation, or dress.

     These stereotypes exist because it is our fundamental nature to makes sense of and to simplify a complex world (Macrae, Stangor, & Hewstone, 1966). The problems associated with stereotypes arise when we simplify too much.

       Attribution theories when people look for an explanation of behavior by associating wither internal or external causes to behavior. Fundamental attribution error is overestimating internal causes for someone else's behavior while underestimating external causes.Not all good people are good 100% of the time. People that good are put into situations that cause them to be bad to other people possibly for good intentions like stealing food to give to their children. There moral reason to do certain things and then there is the "social law" we all live under.

     Belief in a just world that, good things happen to good people and bad things, to bad people.

     Social norms are taught to us as we grow up (Cialdni & Goldstein, 2004). They are standards of conduct that are culture-specific. Some of these social norms involve expectations about social manners. They tell us what is acceptable behavior in certain situations and what is not acceptable.

       I thought I could pass my advance writing composition class easily if I worked hard enough however, I'm not a well enough writer. I'm breaking my own standards of expectations on how I'm suppose to be I've never thought I would do poorly. I guess I choose the wrong class and that someone made a fundamental attribution error on that I'm a poor writer just because I don't think like everyone else. I have not been taught the ways of how to be a good writer yet, so don't discriminate me for being "dumb" I just process things differently things then you. This is my final blog post for my English class, I might continue later when I have some free time to be creative for you all without the confines of the classroom.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Collaboration To Eradicating Racism And Colorism From Employment

E-RACE logo

     Discrimination in society norms has collaborations to Eradicate Racism and Colorism From Employment. Providing the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In the commission they must collaborate to complete the following objectives. "Improve data collection and data analysis in order to identify, track, investigate and prosecute allegations of discrimination. Improve quality and consistency in EEOC's charge processing and litigation program, and improve federal sector systems. Develop strategies, legal theories, and training modules to address emerging issues of discrimination. Enhance the visibility of EEOC's enforcement efforts in eradicating race and color discrimination. Engage the public, employers, and stakeholders to promote voluntary compliance to eradicate race and color discrimination."

     "Collaborating with business and advocacy communities to increase voluntary compliance. OCH and OFP will strengthen collaboration with employer groups, human resource professionals, employee advocates, law firms, and other interested parties to address racial disparities in the workplace; to promote inclusiveness and diversity; to encourage the adoption and enforcement of zero-tolerance or progressive discipline polices for unlawful discrimination; and to emphasize the importance of employers promoting dialogue about race, color, unconscious bias, and cultural issues at their workplaces." Source:

    Ridding of discrimination happening in the work place is group effort to collaborate to produce an equal employment opportunity for all humans regardless of race. Collaborating with their point of view you must understand what "Colorism" is...

   "Definition of Colorism is practice of discrimination by which those with lighter skins are treated more favorably than those with darker skin. In the African-American community, this traditionally played out via the paper bag test. Those lighter than the standard paper were allowed entry into... other realms of blacks were excluded. Examples of colorism mirrors white supremacy in that those with lighter skin are awarded privileges their dark-skinned counterparts aren't---strictly based on skin color." Source:

Internal Racism

    Colorism happens to all races not just one minority of color. Depends on were you are and how you are treated to understand the full affect of someone discriminating you based off your skin color. White people in society are discriminated against other races who are brought up to hate the "white man". Not everything will ever be fully equal towards all races until cultures become less bias towards different races.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Technology Creates More Open Door Ways Especially In Social Media For People To Discriminate Others.

   Discrimination is more accessible for people with technology, social media allows people to receive no repercussions for the hateful words that is said online. In the study Part 5: Witnessing Harassment Online, Pew Research Internet Project by Maeve Duggan.(Source Survey was also conducted recently in October 22, 2014.

    Nearly three quarters of Internet users 73% have witnessed online harassment. Offensive name-calling and purposeful embarrassment were the most common types of harassment people witnessed.

  • 60% of Internet users said they had witnessed someone being called offensive names
  • 53% said they witnessed efforts to purposefully embarrass someone
  • 25% said they witnessed someone being harassed for sustained period of time
  • 24% said they witnessed someone being physically threatened
  • 19% said they witnessed someone being sexually harassed
  • 18% said they witnessed someone being stalked

    The Internet was created in 1973, and the year now is 2014. Since the creation on the Internet 41 years ago people have adjusted to putting their lives online by using social media. Most popular source of Social Media today is Facebook an online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students. Besides Facebook social media is spreads into multiple forms that are popular with young people such as Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube.

    "Young People are the most likely demographic group to witness online harassment. Young people, those ages 18-29, are the most likely of any demographic group to witness harassment online. Fully 92% have witnessed some kind of harassment online."

    "Respondents were asked to give their own description of the most recent incident of online harassment they witnessed. The themes and frustrations described were similar to the stories documented through this report of those experienced harassment. Many respondents noted anonymity was behind much of the harassment they witnessed and gave people license to behave badly."

    "Some people lose all sense of decency when they think actions on the Internet are anonymous."

    "Behavior and language that would never be done in person."

    "Comments sections of websites can be a racial and/or misogynistic free for all. People hide behind their anonymity to say the most foul, racist and sexist things. They say things that they would never say face to face. In the past I have called some of these people out, and lectured them on their behavior. However, you can't always rationalize with a sick or stupid mind."

   "People lose their moral compass online. You can be cruel as you want behind a screen because no one is immediately responding and you don't have to face what you say/do."

    "A lot of these things happen anonymously. They become less frequent when a person's identity is known, but is still seen."

    "Twitter, Facebook, email, all allow anonymous people to write the most hateful harmful things about and to people. It should be allowed to say what they want, but the recipient should know who the author of the comment is. Too many people get online and feel empowered to reach out and strike at strangers with a vengeance because nobody knows who they are. Five years from now we'll wonder why we let people get away with so long. It will be changed."

    "Anonymous people calling other people names and questioning their character."

    "I have seen people being called racist things like the n-word or s**t or gay slurs. I have seen other people being called dumb or stupid. Mostly on tumblr. They use the anonymous setting and just rip people apart."

"Social networking allowing someone to be anonymous, thus allowing them to say anything about multiple people."

    "Facebook, and Twitter usually... people using anonymity to verbally attack people or embarrass them with their beliefs."

     "People regularly insult others on the Internet far more freely than in personal situations because of the anonymity involved. People wouldn't regularly insult others for such minor things, but on the Internet there are seldom consequences, and people take advantage of this."

    Most people said they witness general cruelty or meanness online. Name calling, insults, and an inability to respect differences in opinion were common complaints. Some expressed a certain amount of apathy that meanness is just the nature of life online.

    "In comments on a Facebook post, many times people will harshly and indecently harass other people leaving comments. They call them terrible names, use terrible language, say ugly things about them although they do not know them, and will argue for a long time."

    "In general, whether anonymity is a factor or not, people feel entitled to be brutal in their conduct with people they don't know."

    "People just say names, ask for nudes, and tell people they suck at life."

    "People talking s**t about others publicly rather one-on-one."

  Many people observe harassment online surrounding political or religious differences or public figures.

     Comment sections on websites were also noted for hosting antagonistic conversations between contributors. These were often new sites.

     Other spaces online where harassment was frequently witnessed included social medial sites, blogs, videos sites, and discussion boards.

    "On Youtube and Reddit, rude or harassing behavior are common. This is especially true when it comes to comments and content related to controversial topics like politics, race, relations, and religion, but occasionally this nastiness spills over into topics that are supposed to be more light-hearted like sports or pop culture."

    "People treating others with disrespect via social media."

    Embarrassing photos and videos were often used as examples.

    Many observed very personal attacks---"airing dirty laundry" of family drama.

    Others said the harassment they witness involved colleagues or other work related situations.

    Others witnessed sexual harassment and derogatory comments toward women.

    "Anytime a person gets into an argument online these days you see threats, cursing, offensive language and other disturbing characteristics. Young women especially when posting pictures of themselves deal with sexist remarks about their bodies, the sad part is that some of them, though uncomfortable with how to respond, don't even really understand how disrespectful it is."

    "Everyday sexism and harassment of women."

    "Lots of misogyny, racism, sexism, gender policing, body shaming and anti-intellectualism."

    "Misogynistic language and rap threats in comments sections of new articles on feminist topics."

    "Seen people purposely mock others' comments. See men go after women who make comments that are feminist. I have felt fearful myself because of the response I would get."

    "Strong younger women seem to get targeted. It looks pretty awful. Rape threats, death threats."

   Physical threats and stalking were observed by some.

    Online games and sports discussions were also noted as environment where name-calling and cruelty occurred. Sometimes it was considered just the nature of the game.

    Some people in the gamer community are advocating to stop people's stubborn and intolerance of other people's beliefs.

Although some younger generations often in middle school start to use the word without care. We should teach children what is right from wrong.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Empirically Studies Discrimination Against Bisexuals

     Discrimination is everywhere in society and there is empirical statistics. Empirical means concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory of pure logic. I'm only to write about Empirically Studies and what statistics are important to Discrimination against Bisexuals. People are subjected to empirically because we want to measure people compared to others. The statistics are important to see who is discriminated and how much. There is many different ways people can measure discrimination. Through test results that show and empirical study, that shows Bisexuals have employment Discrimination.

Employment Discrimination against Bisexuals: An Empirical Study

    "This paper discusses the results of an online survey the authors conducted of bisexuals and others with fluid identities concerning employment discrimination. Although bisexuals are believed to be the largest sexual minority group in the United States, there is currently very little data on the extent to which bisexuals face employment discrimination. However, it is known that bisexuals, particularly bisexual women, tend to have worse physical and mental health outcomes than heterosexuals and, in some respects, gays and lesbians. Furthermore, both bisexual men and women experience higher rates of suicide ideation than gay or heterosexual men and lesbians or heterosexual women, respectively. Bisexuals also face considerable prejudice from both heterosexual and gay and lesbian groups. Despite bisexuals’ physical and mental health challenges and the known social discrimination that bisexuals face, there appear to be very few sexual orientation discrimination cases brought by bisexual plaintiffs."

    "In conducting the survey, the authors defined discrimination broadly and asked respondents to report on their experiences with sexual orientation discrimination of a variety of different types. One hundred and seventeen self-identified bisexuals responded. They reported significant levels of employment discrimination, with slightly over fifty percent reporting at least one experience with sexual orientation-based employment discrimination at some point in their lives. The most common types of discrimination reported were inappropriate jokes or insults, verbal sexual harassment, unfair access to fringe benefits, and verbal harassment based on sexual identity. Additionally, several themes emerged from open-ended questions, including firing due to bisexuality, hypersexualization of bisexual employees by others, discrimination by lesbian and gay co-workers and supervisors, and discrimination by religious persons and organizations. Despite the apparent prevalence of employment discrimination among our respondents, only six of them reported that they filed any kind of complaint, including an internal complaint. Moreover, about forty-five percent of those who did not file a complaint cited a concern that they would not get the assistance they needed as one of the reasons. This reason may itself be based on feelings of stigma."

    "In order to gain an empirical understanding of the reasons for bisexuals‟ invisibility in the legal realm, and in employment discrimination case law specifically, we decided to ask bisexuals themselves and others with fluid identities(such as those who identify as pansexual or omnisexual)33 whether they had experienced employment discrimination and whether they had sought relief of any kind. We explored these questions via an online survey that was approved by Hamline University‟s Institutional
Review Board. In designing the survey, we elected to define bisexuality in terms of sexual identity rather than solely based on either our respondents‟ reports of sexual behavior or even their reports of attraction to both sexes if coupled with a homosexual or heterosexual identity. We took this approach for several reasons. One is that we wanted to include those who have attractions to both sexes rather than focusing solely on those who have engaged in sexual behavior or have had relationships with both sexes because, in accord with the prevailing scientific view, we see attraction as more indicative of sexual orientation than sexual behavior.34 Additionally, we view identity as generally more culturally salient than the more objective concept of sexual orientation35 (and thus as a more likely basis of discrimination)." 

    The university set up an non bias study on how Bisexuals were affected in their online surveys. Which shows an empirical aspect that shows discrimination can be measured. Thus people that are bisexuals who want to be counted from their discrimination have to register online surveys to be tested and measured to see what type of discrimination they experience and from who. This makes data unlike the Lesbians and Gays, Bisexuals do face more discrimination from their one community of LGBT and straight community. Empirically Studies Discrimination against Bisexuals differ compared to highly measured data of Lesbians and Gays because there is not a lot of data being produced yet.

For the LGB community there has been new empirical evidence on how mental health differs with hetrosexuals. Mental health rates of LGB are have a higher mental disorders because of discrimination they face is much higher then heterosexuals.

Discrimination and mental health
In a study that examines possible root causes of mental disorders in LGB people, Cochran and psychologist Vickie M. Mays, PhD, of the University of California, Los Angeles, explored whether ongoing discrimination fuels anxiety, depression and other stress-related mental health problems among LGB people. The authors found strong evidence of a relationship between the two.
Again using data from one of the large public health surveys, the team compared how 74 LGB and 2,844 heterosexual respondents rated lifetime and daily experiences with discrimination.
They looked at particular instances of discrimination, such as not being hired for a job or being denied a bank loan, as well as feelings of perceived discrimination, such as the sense that people treated them with less respect. The team also assessed rates of mental health disorders in both groups.
LGB respondents reported higher rates of perceived discrimination than heterosexuals in every category related to discrimination, the team found.
While the findings do not prove that discrimination causes mental health problems, they take a step toward demonstrating that the social stigma felt by LGB people has important mental health consequences. That again points to the need for tailored mental health treatment, in particular therapy that includes ongoing discussion of how discriminatory experiences may affect stress levels, they note.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Is Affirmative Action Good or Bad to Society?

     Affirmative action is know as positive discrimination is the policy of favoring member if a disadvantaged group who are perceived to suffer from discrimination within a culture. The nature of positive discrimination policies varies from region to region. Some countries, such as India, use a quota system, whereby a certain percentage of jobs or school vacancies must be set aside for member of a certain group. In some other regions, specific quotas do not exist: instead members of minorities are given preference in selection processes.

     The term "affirmative action" was first used in the United States in Executive Order and was signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961. It was used to promote actions that achieve non- discrimination. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order which required government employers to take "affirmative action" to "hire without regard to race, religion and national origin." In 1967, sex was added to the anti-discrimination list.
source: wikipedia.orgAffirmative_action

     For this instance Affirmative Action was created by countries juridical powers. To help individuals who were not able to be hired regard to there disadvantages. Discipline Societies have consequences and rewards for how smart someone is based off their GPA, Act or Sat Test Scores, Extra Activities in regards to sports or club leader ship. Theses if the are high are part of the good binary that must college boards are looking to accept these people into their high school. Although these are factors that come into play there is more like Affirmative Action when a college choices others that are lower in levels of these binaries to have an opportunity to go to college and prosper.

Affirmative Action "Creates More Racial Injustice"  

     Fisher an individual claims that her college admission was not accepted because of racism she is white and always had a dream of going to this college that is in college. Is this what our society needs, do we still have to have a self-regulation society. Yes we do because Black and Hispanic people have had disadvantages in the past and we are trying to provide help to them instead of whites. They said that she was unqualified to be accepted so, that Black or Hispanics who were unqualified as well could take the spot instead of her. Which in a way does create a reverse bias of discrimination in college admissions. George says that if you are white you are priorly judge more not be chosen because of the bias to create equality for Blacks and Hispanics.

     Having affirmative action as a standard is creating a consequences to White population that is Orwellian in a way an all seeing eye that picks and choices who they want based of race in Texas. Although Horatius claims that there must have an all watching disciplining eye because without Affirmative Action there would be no poor less educated black and Hispanics getting accepted into college instead only rich whites who are not educated as well. Affirmative Action was created to help Blacks and Hispanics that have disadvantages in America and their school systems. College's think people that don't start on the same scale deserve more acceptances over white who are privileged.

     In my Economics class we had to do an exercise in class where we read fake college admissions which were four of different students they were looking at who were the most qualifying. We in class had to organize and discuss who we believed to get accepted in over the others. They had a White Female Swimmer who was legacy, Black Female advocates for rights in a club, Hispanic Boy who worked many jobs to provide for his family and Asian Male who moved to America because his mother passed away. The White and Asian had the highest test scores and the Hispanic and Black didn't. She revealed to us who would get accepted. Although that doesn't matter because I don't remember I just remember everyone being confused wonder why would they get special treat over them? Does Affirmative Action functions it's job properly to disciplining society equality. Or does this punish a certain group of people.

    I don't know that Affirmative Action creates equality to all people, however, I still find Affirmative Action is necessary this day in age. As well I don't like that individuals seem to give up hope when not being accepted in their dream college. You don't have to complain you can still probably go to Cal State University compare to a UCLA. As well if you can't get into a Cal State you can always go to a Community College. Even if you still want to go you can get higher grades and be transfer in your dream college. A degree is a degree no matter where you receive the piece of paper.

    Your future employer is not going to hire you based off where you went to school only if your qualified and have piece a paper you worked so hard for... This is your ticket to your future career.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Discrimination to Human Beings and How Panopticism Influences Societies

     Michel Foucault writes about Panopticism as being a machine that reinforces discipline that a power presides over a social body. He describes there being social policing in all societies, the rules of how someone should be are not universal although. But social policing is a mechanism that everyone has come accustomed to in modern day society. Dominant managers of society are the people in charge with power and tell what the people at bottom of the pyramid should do. Thus, people at the bottom of the social pyramid police each other on how to act by disciplining their own social class because they aspire to be like the people at the top of the social body. We have all encountered discipline in our modern day society but have you ever stop to think why do we do the things we do to each other?
    Now moreover, on discrimination to me. Not being good enough for others and disciplining myself on how I should act because of what is right and wrong in society's eyes.

              Veins by Victoria Marvin
    When I was in elementary school, I got made fun of a great deal of times over a duration of a few years because I did not fit in the groups of kids that were bullying me. I got called multiple name throughout 3rd to 6th grade when I lived in Bakersfield. Though I did have good friends back then that liked me for being myself. Kids would show off and say remarks to me like "Your so pale you can see your veins!" Then they started to call me "Veins". I hated being defined as just a object of the body, "Veins."

    Spontaneously, during my Junior year in Honor's Art class I got to thinking about people and how they try to control other people's actions of self expression. Moreover, why do people usually try to control me and tell me what is "good" in their opinion in such a harsh manner? Why do I always feel subjected to  comply to their ways of being? Why do I have to change for people, to fit in, aren't I an individual with my own thought process?

      Starting to understand how we talk to each other and our reinforcement to be a certain way deeply influences someones perspective on their own life. This piece of art I did is about myself not trying to break free of all these disciplinary controls. Yet,  I have been putting up with a disciplinary society I live in. For this instance, the discourse of childhood that choose to discriminate me for being too pale. Finding out about my feelings I learned I was just a puppet in my own skin because people felt the need to punish me to reinforce my thoughts of myself being ugly.

     You might have notice and wondering, why the bald head in this picture? That is to show that I am human just like you going through the same discipline society. Applying myself to find my own of balance of what rules I must follow to obey necessary social order. Additionally, if you notice the puppet creature is wearing a dress this is because I symbolised myself as being able to find beauty with in myself. Doesn't matter anymore of the bad binary they claimed I was part of because I don't care what people label me as ugly. That's just unmeasurable judgement of what beauty is that happened many years ago.

                  "Real Women" vs the Thin? Is Skinny Hate in?
     Discovering later in my adolescent years that I actual am quite beautiful in my own way. I have gained my confidence about myself through multiple ways society describes how women should be and having fitting myself into that category. Many women and I have been deeply influenced by what we should look like and how we should talk and act. What is beauty, what is not?

    Most females in the beginning listen to what their parents, family or friends tell them about the way their body image. They discipline themselves to look a certain way primarily what the closest people around them say about themselves. They might try to render their body through exercises, eating healthy, do diets were they might just not eat for long periods of time (anorexic) and binge eating on usually "bad" food then throwing up (Bulimia).

    I wanted to discover more about how women's shapes are being displaced in social media. Historical for a few decades women that are thin or skinny have been use to be displaced as the icon of what a beautiful girl should look like. I found out that currently women with more curves that are "toned" are being praised. Society says now that curvy women have more beauty then thin skinny women with no curves. Women that are "healthier" looking not a super model or stick figures that are  now more appealing to men. Women judge others women by saying what society's social media dictates likes better through social media outlets like magazines about beauty. Why do women have to judge other women though why do we have to disciplines are youth about beauty vs. non beauty. Shouldn't everyone have a say on what's normal to them? Which actual people do my the way they talk to others about what they think is right. Usually trying to influence people on how to eat like them because that's what they do. People have no limits we all have the right to self expression and are bodies are part of that. We can choose to discipline are self's because of what society tells us that is good. If not choosing to be healthy we choose the bad part of body image by being to skinny or to fat. Disciplinary societies usually give us the answers because they want us to make the better decisions about ourselves. The more preferred body type is curvy, thus, I want to change myself to be like them. We self-disciple ourselves because we want to fit in and be part of the norm of society.

           Eve and the Apple by Victoria Marvin
     Religions also tell us what is right and wrong about ourselves. Women are thought in the Bible as just objects of reproduction and to be modest is the best a female can do. To keep her mouth shut and not say ways of life are not right because men were in absolute power back then in their disciplines society.

     The Bible clearly states Eve's idea to steal the apple was because she was tricked by the snake-devil himself. She was ending up influenced to eat the forbidden apple with Adam which created disorder between the Garden of Eden where she was living with Adam.

     They were locked out of immortality because of Satan's influences of Eve. They would die because of their doings against God's Will. The Bible gives more examples of binaries to follow what is good and bad. Society is born with this vision that were are evil creates and must change ourselves to be worthy of God.

        YOU DESERVE RAPE, Says Worst Campus Preacher Ever                                                                     

     A campus preacher wears shirts that discriminate against women and other people's religions. They consist of logos against women's rights no Nazi feminism, "Muslims" shirt saying infidel meaning atheist, (finger pointing) you whore. Which I found completely absurd that he thinks he can control women and people's opinion's by simpling saying remarks to women as he does in his campaign. He tells women that if you dress provocatively you deserve rape because you wear what? Asking for no consistent sex? He has no boundaries of what is his to control. He thinks telling a social body that you deserve rape is an incentive to listen to his tactics is cold cruel discipline that no one is going to obey his logic in modern society. 

     Luckily, we have a government to take care of us which is made from Judicial powers. The people vote on what the majority wants, in this case our social body thinks rapist should have the death penalty. He is advocating that we should forgive rapist and blames victims from dressing to skimpy and being wasted is their own fault. People all over the world do not have to same views on life and they will try to use a panoptic mechanism to get what they want out of society just like this man. He is trying to change others ways of life's because he believes that his perceptive of Bible says. We should all be weary to believe other people's interpretation of the bible and find out for ourselves before making our judgement. Judgement is what controls people to do what they do we are disciplined and shaped into what we are by panopticism. As well we can learn how to use panopticism for are self's to create change of others. Although I do not agree what this priest is saying because I believe he is crazy to think that about  how women dresses a certain way deserves to be raped.  


Thursday, October 23, 2014

How Society Helps Against Discrimination in America

     Not everyone in America will care about every ones equality. However, we do have Government and their agencies. Moreover, new laws being created to help people that do not have equal chances as an individual; race, religion, gender and how much money you have. High school now advocate for equality in clubs ran by teacher volunteers and student club leaders for their purpose to spread equality on their school's campus. They want to influence young people now especially because this is  when they gather their ideas. Which later will transform society to their own creation provided they learn to support their own voice's. Public schools are shaping the structure of the future society right now with their standardized testing. Even your choice in voting for the next president will shape what types of prevention of discrimination will occur.

     Today, society implies to students no matter how much money you have anymore rich or poor your going to college. All you have to do is apply yourself and get good grades in this society. I feel like this might be true now that I'm in college. Eighty percent of the students at my college have been given grants or scholarships. These help out to the Coachella Valley residents who have one the lowest income rates. Title X helps millions low-come families since with sometimes grants without discrimination of individuals. They also provide family planning services.and providing health care services. Health care services are counseling, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing and cervical cancer screening. Helping people since 1970's who are usually in poverty and most of the ages tend to be around their 20's to 30's.

    For more information on Title X click this link:

    Title X gives families advice on Planned Parenthood and advice on how not to have unwanted pregnancy. Though they do not support pro-choice this has lead to conflicts of interest. As well they do not provide contraception's to women this is why more people in America tend to have abortions instead of having safe sex. Safe sex does help preventing more teenage pregnancies.

 The Budget Battle in Washington
 More info here:

    Pro-choice is believing that a pregnant women should have the right to choose to have an abortion. Personally, my stand is women should have a choice because that's their right to body not the governments. I do not support abortion just unwanted pregnancies. Women should have freedom just like a normal human being not just a object to reproduce in society. What if a man had an unwanted pregnancy how would they feel? They would change the laws for pro-choice. Yet for now men being the only elected as presidents. Government will not fully understand the extent women feels to be oppressed by theses rules. Though not all women support pro-choice in America the votes about 50-50 on pro-choice and pro-life.

    I participated in the Gay-Straight-Alliances sort for (G.S.A.) at my high school, because I felt the need to be understand others. I wanted to learn how to be more accepting to diversity of other people. There where gay, lesbians which where nice people to me and others I was happy to make good friends there. I felt proud to be apart of their community and to help advocate rights for others. I understand how important is to be treated equally and how much children yearn for this from their parents and family. This gay student in my high school was describing his coming out story. How his grandma dis-owned him and didn't accept him being gay. His family were very strict catholics. This made me very emotional because I understood his pain. Though I'm not gay I know my mom would support me no matter what I am. However, this event happening was unimaginable to me until he shared his story to the club and breaking down in tears.

     We advocated for same sex marriage in the G.S.A. Club and learned many different ways people how are gay or lesbians express themselves. Through there clothing choices and how they like to be called. Never call them a it because they are a object. When I went to Pride Prom in Palm Springs I got to experience how gays and lesbians express themselves how they want to be and act. Many drag queens I was fascinated by their attitudes and willingness to be their true self's. Gays and lesbians are very inspiring people because of how they are so free to express themselves. They do conform to their oppressors instead they try to change the way there treated.

    Currently, 32 states in the United States now allow legal same sex marriage. Alaska and Arizona are the most recent states to be legalized in October 17, 2014 .

           Equal Marriage Rights for them: Mr. & Mr. or Mrs. & Mrs.
 For more information about same-sex marriages:

     Society needs to change with obeying society's influences and create new rules. Without these revision there will always be conflicts because of hate to prevent doing what they want. We never have to look to far into a history text book to understand how people are oppressed in other societies and even are own. We must learn from the past and present not to discriminate each other. Instead to understand what makes human individuals.